Calcalist with The Israeli Medical Association and Pharma Israel Invite you to the online conference: “To health!”

How to strengthen the health system managing the COVID-19 outbreak, August 19, 2020
Months since the outbreak of the global COVID-19 crisis, the health system is at the forefront of the struggle. Managers of hospitals and HMOs have forgotten what their daily reality used to be up to a few months ago: managing supply shortage, underfunding and little public effort.
What will remain from the pandemic that raised the health system to be of highest national priority the day after the virus? How do we prepare for winter of 2021? What will happen to the health system budget and national health basket?
What will we talk about?
Healing the health system: what will save the health system from breaking down
2021 Health Basket: the race to complete the basket for patients in light of COVID-19
Remote medicine: How will medical services look the day after the crisis?
From crisis to opportunity: how can the health system ease the load on the HMOs?
Corona-tech: how the COVID-19 crisis sped up technological advancement to aid the health system